A disappointing result after 4 hours exposure. First attempt at 8-minute sub-exposures. The mount is capable of it, but I have some flexure somewhere between the guide camera and imaging camera. I have a couple of things to try--it just takes time.
A beautiful night at X-Bar Ranch though. A 2-minute shower about 7:30 knocked down the temperature. Transparency was a little soft, but the seeing was very steady.
X-Bar Ranch, Eldorado, TX
Exposure: 30 x 480 sec (4 hours) @ ISO 1600, 20 flat, 8 dark
Camera: Canon Digital Rebel XT (350D) (modified)
Scope: AT6RC, AT2FF field flattener
Mount: Celestron CI-700/Skywalker
Guider: Zenithstar 66, Meade DSI
Filter: None
Software: PHD Guiding, Nebulosity, Photoshop