Monday, February 27, 2006

Religious Freedom in Texas

I was renewing my vehicle registration today when I came across an insert urging me to purchase these religious license plates for my car:

It struck me as being awfully close to the State promoting religion, a specific religion, namely Judea-Christian monotheism. I doubt we'll ever see Texas plates expressing "Allahu Akbar" or respecting "the Goddess" (which is ironic if you look at all the pentacles around Austin these days).

I even looked it up in the Texas Constitution. Article 1, section 6: "... No preference shall ever be given by law to any religious society ..." That's pretty clear to me. And we all know about the First Amendment to the US Constitution, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

So what's the deal? Am I off-base here, or is the State?


hotrodgal said...

Nope, you're not off base unfortunately, it is definitely the State! Was this a separate flyer with just these two or in the long list of license plate possibilities?

Was good to see you on Monday! Sorry we couldn't talk more, it gets so hectic when everyone comes to check out! See you soon for the Round Up! :)

imjeffp said...

A separate insert. Two-sided, four-color. Not cheap. The proceeds go to a program for safe routes for kids to take to school. Fine, but can I support it without professing a belief in an invisible man who lives in the sky? (Sorry Mom & Dad.)

Anonymous said...

Keppler is credited with the "discovery" that planets orbit in an ellipse. Wrong, discovered in India about 350BC. The size of the earth is said to have been discovered in teh 18th century or so. Wrong again, the greeks in about 490BC. How about the atomic theory of matter? We "discovered" it in the 19th century, I think? Wrong again, the Greeks about 400BC. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed? You think the 18th century? Nope, greeks again in 400BC.

Why was this not "known" for almost two centuries? This knowledge was kept in the "Library of Alexandria". Some estimates claim 500,000 books.

I remember being told that in 1500 + a few years was the last time one person could know everything known. This was based on the fact that it was possible to read all of the 1,500 or so books in existence in one's lifetime.

Oh, who destroyed the Library of Alexandria? A Wikepedia search will yield the answer.

Was it Mel Brooks who said "They called it the dark ages for a reason."

While I personally don't have a problem with the license plates, if they don't have a "in Wicca we trust" plate, they're in violation of two constitutions.